Hmmm, yeah, I know, I promised to blog more, but life keeps getting in the way. I am here now and will try to explain where I have been and what exactly I have been doing, besides blogging.
Ok, to start with, I was told by the ol' Doc that I need to lose 90lbs ASAP or face diabetic consequences. SO he puts me on this diet, it is 800-1000 calories per day and most of it is liquid. He tells me, "It works and many people have kept their weight off for many years." Yeah, sure that is what all those diets say. Anyway, I purchase all the stuff, little white packets of powder and freeze dried veggies and a few meal replacement bars, which are yummy, but I can only have ONE per day. Okay, 5 packets and 1 regular(yeah right) meal per day. I can have a normal portion of meat and 3 portions of veggies, once a day or what they call the Lean and Green! Ok, so I started this adventure 8 weeks ago. I thought, "I am going to starve to death, I know I can't do this." But I have lost a whopping 32.5 pounds and have lost a total of 22 3/4 inches. I am so pumped about this. I have a personal health coach that calls me once per week to check and see how I am doing and I am actually exercising. I am now walking 3 miles every morning before work, yeah I work at like 8 am so I am up at the mmmm of dawn walking. I LOVE IT!! I feel so good, I cannot tell you how good I feel. I am totally NOT hungry, this is the BEST "diet" I have ever been on. It better be for what I have to pay for it, but it is totally worth every penny.
Ok, enough about me, my airman and her wonderful hubby are preparing for training to deploy to the sandbox in either, early July or early August. They don't know the date, yet! Jamie just finished ALS and it was a bear. She is not very studious and it was very tought for her. It was alot of puplic speaking and she is just a bit shy when it comes to that, so it was not good for her, but she passed with a 97%, so I am very proud of her. She now sews on her Ssgt stripe on May 1st, woohoo, it has been a long time coming. She tested for this stripe before she left Italy well over a year ago and is just getting to her number to sew it on. We(hubby and I) are going to visit Jamie and Alex in Virginia from June 29 throught July 6th(if they don't deploy the 2nd) I am so looking forward to that. I posted a couple new pics of the "kids" at the beginning of this blog. Jamie looks totally different in civies, than she does in uniform. Of course, she hates her blues!! Would much rather wear her ABUs.
Well, that is where I am right now. I am not going to promise to keep up with this blog, cause until I get through the rest of my schooling and am able to quit my stinkin' job and until my daughters' MIL gets better so that I don't have to watch my grandkids everyday I am off, I will still be very, very busy. So for now I may TTYL!!