This is Jamie Michelle, she is my youngest daughter and my number three child. She is 22, and lives in Italy. Jamie has always been my shy child, she was so very shy she would barely speak to family. She was also very ill growing up and spent alot of time in the hospital. From the time she was born until about 3 years old she was in the hospital at least once a month, every month. It was very difficult to wean her from her bottle and also to potty train her. We would be doing really well and then she had to take another trip to the hospital. The docs always said she would outgrow her illness and she has, thank goodness. Jamie has also always been very independent and when first meeting her people think she is stand-offish and snobby, but she is just cautious around new people. Those who take the time to know her know she is loving and caring. Jamie moved out of our house shortly after truning 18 and lived with a group of girls in a house not far away. She loved being on her own, but felt she was in a nowhere job and needed a change. She came to visit us one day and announced that she had joined the Air Force. Her father and i were blown away, it was so very out of character for her, but we applauded her decision and have stood behind her all the way. She left for basic training on September 7, 2003. Graduated basic on October 24, 2003. When we went to her graduation, I have never been so proud of her as I was then. What a beautiful, confident, young woman she had become. She went to tech school in Texas and then her first assignment was to South Korea, her and I cried alot about that. It wasn't as bad as she figured it would be but, she was very happy when her year tour was up and she headed to Italy. She has seen more and done more than anyone she knows and the memories she is making will be talked about for a long time. She is three years into a six year tour and is hoping that next May she will be reasigned to the states, she is ready to be in the good 'ol US of A. She says you don't appreciate all you have until you have spent a good deal of time overseas. Jamie has met a wonderful young man in Italy, also Air Force. She and Alex were just home for a 2 week visit. I really like this young man and do believe he is most likely her soulmate. They are talking about going guard once he has his 3 years in the service, moving here near us and going to school. Jamie to be a dental hygienist and Alex to be a pilot. They have said if they do this the guard will become a career. I am excited for them and hope all their dreams come true. Well, there is a bit about my baby girl, will post more about this daredevil later.