Today was a busy day. I woke at 6am and had to get ready for a meeeting at the ugly place. The meeting was from 8 a.m. until 9:30 a.m. It was very boring and uneventful. Came home picked up hubby and went to breakfast. Left the restaurant, headed to the grocery store, I decided I needed something new to wear to a function this evening so went to Fashion Bug, UCK!! I hate clothes shopping. Nothing ever fits right or looks the way I want it to look. I did find a nice pair of pants and a nice shirt for not too much money. Went from there to the grocery store, picked up all kinds of fresh veggies. I am going to make soup a couple times this week. It is starting to get a bit cool and nothing warms you up better than a nice hot bowl of homemade soup and I LOVE to cook. Got the groceries and went home. The day is almost shot by this time. CHecked my email, read a bit on thre nervous system and took a 20 minute nap. Woke feeling refreshed, took a nice long hot shower and prepared for the evening out. Hubby is celebrating being at the same job for 20 years and his company puts on a really nice dinner and invites the honorees (5. 10 and 15 years) and a guest to attend. It was really yummy and I was able to see people I hadn't seen for a long time. We don't socialize with too many people hubby works with, they all live in different towns and hubby is not real crazy about most of them anyway, LOL! All in all I think the night went very well, came home and back to my studies. I know I lead such an eventful life, LOL! Hubby and are very settled and staying home is one of our favorite pasttimes,LOL! Usually he is in his office on his computer and I am in mine on my computer or with my nose stuck in a book.
I submitted my final draft of the orthopedic exam. I was pleasantly surprised at how well I really did on this exam, I am really loving this field and cannot wait to actually be doing this. I started the nervous system and special senses the other day and am hoping to make real good progress on this this week. I want to try and stay on track and keep reaching my goals. I know I have a way to go but I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel and maybe a rainbow or two to go along with that light, :) Well, guess I need to read some more. I want to get all my reading done tomorrow(on this chapter) and start on the exercises. There is alot to absorb in this chapter and I need to really take the time to make sure I learn it all. Well until tomorrow, TTYL
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Nothing Day
Well, today was another of those, I got nothin' accomplished days. I woke up this morning and just couldn't get motivated. I went to the ugly place and did my time(6 hours). Came home made enchiladas for hubby and I. Checked and responded to a couple emails and then headed off to watch my daughter and son-in-law play softball and of course visit with my adorable grandbabies. Then came home and have been sitting at this darn computer just really doing nothing. I have read all my emails, checked out the TRSI site for the student forum, read all the stuff there and still, no motivation. My med term book is sitting here open and I have read the same paragraph a hundred times and I still don't know what I read. Maybe I should just call it a day and head to bed, but I am not really tired, ok so maybe I will try to read some more in my med term book, oh I don't know. Hmmmm, I really need a good swift kick in the rear and maybe it will start my motor running, LOL!! Oh well, nothing ventured, nothing gained, today absolutely nothing gained. So decision made, I am off to try and sleep, so I will visit with you again tomorrow evening and hopefully will be out of these doldrums and back to gungho, again. Goodnight, TTYL
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Happy Anniversary to US
Today is mine and hubby's 31st wedding anniversary. Wow! Thirty-one years is an awful long time in a very short time span, if you get my drift. I cannot believe that we have been married that long. People tell us all the time what an accomplishment this is. We don't see it that way, we love each other and have worked very hard to provide a safe, productive, loving home for our family. It hasn't always been easy, but it definately has been worth every second.
I guess we are going out to eat tonight. Hubby called at noon and wanted to know where I wanted to go for dinner. I told him we already did the anniversary dinner thing and it really wasn't necessary. He told me it was necessary and for me to decide where we were going. So I haven't decided yet, but I have a couple hours left before he will be home so time to decide that. Hmmm seafood, steak, burgers at our fav grill, I don't know.
Well, as far as school is concered, I just sent in my Musculoskeletal transcription exam and am anxiouly waiting for it to be graded. I thought I had it done and come to find out there are 4 transcriptions on this exam, LOL! Janet sent it back to me to finish. I had some trouble on this one and actually had to laeave a blank. I didn't want to leave a blank, but I could not figure out what the doctor was saying. I tried everything, slowing it down, speeding it up, looking up different words and phrases in all my references, my word list, walking away, I even gave up last night and tried again this morning, still no comprehension of what he is saying, so I blanked it and sent the first draft on to be critiqued. While I am waiting it is on to Nervous systems ad special senses.
Enough for now, I may write more later, so for now Bye TTYL
I guess we are going out to eat tonight. Hubby called at noon and wanted to know where I wanted to go for dinner. I told him we already did the anniversary dinner thing and it really wasn't necessary. He told me it was necessary and for me to decide where we were going. So I haven't decided yet, but I have a couple hours left before he will be home so time to decide that. Hmmm seafood, steak, burgers at our fav grill, I don't know.
Well, as far as school is concered, I just sent in my Musculoskeletal transcription exam and am anxiouly waiting for it to be graded. I thought I had it done and come to find out there are 4 transcriptions on this exam, LOL! Janet sent it back to me to finish. I had some trouble on this one and actually had to laeave a blank. I didn't want to leave a blank, but I could not figure out what the doctor was saying. I tried everything, slowing it down, speeding it up, looking up different words and phrases in all my references, my word list, walking away, I even gave up last night and tried again this morning, still no comprehension of what he is saying, so I blanked it and sent the first draft on to be critiqued. While I am waiting it is on to Nervous systems ad special senses.
Enough for now, I may write more later, so for now Bye TTYL
Saturday, September 22, 2007
My poor daughter
Today was not a good day for my eldest daughter. She called her dad about noon, crying her eyes out. Her car had died on the highway and she needed him to come get her. We jumped in the car and proceeded to go to the highway. On the way there, dad called for a tow truck and we both got there about the same time. We had the car towed to our house so dad and my brother(a master mechanic) could take a look at it. The car is a 97 Dodge Neon with over 200,000 miles on it and a piece of doo-doo. Well, it is finally dead. Not a good time for this to happen to her. She has missed a bit of work due to a shoulder injury and has not had a full paycheck the last couple of weeks. Her credit is horrible, due to some very bad investments when she was younger, so not an option to purchase a new one. She makes really good money and could afford a new car, just no one will extend her any credit. And as much as I love her, I will not co-sign for a new car for her. Uncle Steve to the rescue. My brother has all kinds of connections in the new and used car world in and around our area. He found her a car, a 97 Park Avenue. Not in the greatest of shape, body wise, but it is reliable and cheap. He is taking her dead car as down payment and charging her 400.00 for the car. Good deal, maybe not the one she wanted, but she now has more reliable wheels. My brother would never let his niece get behind the wheel of a car he didn't personnally check out(especially if he was selling it to her). The car has newer tires, new brakes, new power steering motor and belts. It just doesn't look the greatest, but hey, beggars cannot be choosers. This will due her until she can save up eough money to get a newer car. So all in all it turned out ok for her.
My day was totally shot, I did get quite a few transcriptions done and am happy about that. I also got groceries and I think that is all that was accomplished today.
Oh, we had a wonderful time last night with my BIL and SIL. I just love the two of them. We all needed a night out and a good time and I cannot think of better people to do it with.
Well, it may be Saturday night but I think my pillow is calling me already. So off to dreamland with me. TTYL
My day was totally shot, I did get quite a few transcriptions done and am happy about that. I also got groceries and I think that is all that was accomplished today.
Oh, we had a wonderful time last night with my BIL and SIL. I just love the two of them. We all needed a night out and a good time and I cannot think of better people to do it with.
Well, it may be Saturday night but I think my pillow is calling me already. So off to dreamland with me. TTYL
Thursday, September 20, 2007
New Day
Today has been a much better day, as far as school is concerned. I transcribed 4 notes tonight, could have done more, but am getting tired and did not want to push it. I have tomorrow off and plan on sticking my rearend in my office and staying there the entire day. Of course I will take an occasional break, but my office will be my home for most of the day.
I think I have come to the conclusion that my "n" sticking problem is operator error. I am not hitting the "n" properly and therefore it is not registering. I am still have some trouble getting use to this keyboard, but I am getting better. It is so new to me, but my hands and wrists are already thanking me. I just wish it was quieter. I know I can't have it all, but I do try. LOL!!
This next week is mine and hubby's anniversary, yeah, 31 years of marriage, wow! That is a long time. We are going out tomorrow night with his brother and his wonderful wife. We are going to a nice Italian restaurant and then slipping over to the attached club and listening to some old time rock and blues. It should be a wonderful night. I am excited, we don't go out very often.
I am so happy to have the next three days off. My back has been protesting working 4 days in a row. I am going to do some stretches before bed tonight to see if they help. I feel as if my spine is compressing. I know it is not but it just feels that way, so time to stretch it back out. This usually helps relieve some of the pain. I am NEVER totally pain free, but it is bearable most days.
Well, eyes are getting heavy need to stretch and then head to bed, busy day tomorrow. TTYL
I think I have come to the conclusion that my "n" sticking problem is operator error. I am not hitting the "n" properly and therefore it is not registering. I am still have some trouble getting use to this keyboard, but I am getting better. It is so new to me, but my hands and wrists are already thanking me. I just wish it was quieter. I know I can't have it all, but I do try. LOL!!
This next week is mine and hubby's anniversary, yeah, 31 years of marriage, wow! That is a long time. We are going out tomorrow night with his brother and his wonderful wife. We are going to a nice Italian restaurant and then slipping over to the attached club and listening to some old time rock and blues. It should be a wonderful night. I am excited, we don't go out very often.
I am so happy to have the next three days off. My back has been protesting working 4 days in a row. I am going to do some stretches before bed tonight to see if they help. I feel as if my spine is compressing. I know it is not but it just feels that way, so time to stretch it back out. This usually helps relieve some of the pain. I am NEVER totally pain free, but it is bearable most days.
Well, eyes are getting heavy need to stretch and then head to bed, busy day tomorrow. TTYL
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Blah Day
Today was a very unproductive day. I have not accomplished one thing, well maybe one. I did get out of bed this morning, LOL! I have not done anything pertaining to school and I really need to do something. I worked today and it was so boring, we were so awfully slow. I made a wonderful chicken and rice soup for dinner and then went and watched my #2 daughter and her hubby play softball. Now I am here yawning my fool head off, so I decided I would blog and then it is off to bed. I have to go to the ugly place again in the morning, yuck. But then I have 3 days off and plan on spending most of those days studying. I need to get remotivated and get going again.
I am having a bit of an issue with my new keyboard. I am not sure if it is because it is new and will take some getting use to or if I am really having a problem with it. The "n" key is sticking, I think. I am not sure if it isn't working properly or if it is because I am not hitting it right to make it work. I have found that I really need to cut my fingernails, though. I keep hitting the wrong keys. My nails keep going in between the keys and that is really not good. I guess I will keep trying with the keyboard for a few more days and if this issue persists it is going back. Too bad, cause it is so comfortable to use. My hands and wrists do not get tired at all. We shall see how it goes.
Well, tired so it is off to dreamland. TTYL
I am having a bit of an issue with my new keyboard. I am not sure if it is because it is new and will take some getting use to or if I am really having a problem with it. The "n" key is sticking, I think. I am not sure if it isn't working properly or if it is because I am not hitting it right to make it work. I have found that I really need to cut my fingernails, though. I keep hitting the wrong keys. My nails keep going in between the keys and that is really not good. I guess I will keep trying with the keyboard for a few more days and if this issue persists it is going back. Too bad, cause it is so comfortable to use. My hands and wrists do not get tired at all. We shall see how it goes.
Well, tired so it is off to dreamland. TTYL
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
New toys :)
Today is a good day. I finally received my new keyboard. I am not really sure about this yet, it is definately going to take some getting use to. It is very ergonomic, with the split keyboard and it is slightly reverse elevated. It has a very nice wrist rest and is very comfortable to use. I just keep hitting the wrong keys, LOL! I am sure I will get the hang of it soon, it is just so new right now.
I started my transcriptions last night and am planning on doing a few more tonight. They shouldn't take too long to complete, they are mostly short and sweet and don't take alot of effort, yet anyway.
I took someones advice and bought some of the 3x5 cards that are attached together with a ring and am attempting to put all the suffixes ad prefixes and word parts on them so that I can take them with me everywhere and study them. I know I have a midterm exam coming up and I am just a bit worried about that so the more study materials I have, the better.
I love this profession and I haven't even started yet, LOL!! I am getting the biggest kick out of all the knowledge that I am gaining and actually remembering. Cheryl and TRSi are my ticket out of the boring world of retail.
Speaking of boring, I had a very boring day at work today, we were so darn slow and the time just didn't move fast enough. I didn't want to be there and then being slow didn't help. Thank goodess I am only working 24 hours right now. I honestly don't think I could stand being there any longer than that each week. Usually the big boss schedules me for 2 days on, 1 day off, then 2 days on, then 2 days off and it works out great, but......We have a dumb assistant manager and she has to do things different. I am working 4 days in a row this week with 3 days off. Oh well, the boss will be back next week, thank goodness, cause our assistant is a real ditz!
Well, time for more transcribing and then off to dreamland. TTYL
I started my transcriptions last night and am planning on doing a few more tonight. They shouldn't take too long to complete, they are mostly short and sweet and don't take alot of effort, yet anyway.
I took someones advice and bought some of the 3x5 cards that are attached together with a ring and am attempting to put all the suffixes ad prefixes and word parts on them so that I can take them with me everywhere and study them. I know I have a midterm exam coming up and I am just a bit worried about that so the more study materials I have, the better.
I love this profession and I haven't even started yet, LOL!! I am getting the biggest kick out of all the knowledge that I am gaining and actually remembering. Cheryl and TRSi are my ticket out of the boring world of retail.
Speaking of boring, I had a very boring day at work today, we were so darn slow and the time just didn't move fast enough. I didn't want to be there and then being slow didn't help. Thank goodess I am only working 24 hours right now. I honestly don't think I could stand being there any longer than that each week. Usually the big boss schedules me for 2 days on, 1 day off, then 2 days on, then 2 days off and it works out great, but......We have a dumb assistant manager and she has to do things different. I am working 4 days in a row this week with 3 days off. Oh well, the boss will be back next week, thank goodness, cause our assistant is a real ditz!
Well, time for more transcribing and then off to dreamland. TTYL
Monday, September 17, 2007
I am pretty darn proud of myself, LOL! I just took my musculoskeletal exam and I was pleasantly surprised to recieve a 92%. I missed 8 questions and when I went back over them, they really were dumb mistakes on my part. I am happy with a 92%, though. That was alot of material to cover and I wasn't sure if any of it really sank in, but I guess it did. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy.
I started some of the orthopedics dictation and they are so short. I think I like longer dictations better. I just get started with these office notes and they are done. I mean they are easy, but wow, way to0 short.
The rest of my day was pretty good, except the having to go to work part, LOL! I really don't like my job at all. It is soooooo boring and the bosses are all (except one) self-centered a**holes. I don't have alot of respect for them, They treat all of us employees like we are really dumb and most of us have been around longer than they have and know more about the store and our loyal customers than they do. I just keep telling myself not much longer, not much longer.......
Well, gotta go to that ugly place again in the AM so I am off to slumberland and sweet dreams. TTYL
I started some of the orthopedics dictation and they are so short. I think I like longer dictations better. I just get started with these office notes and they are done. I mean they are easy, but wow, way to0 short.
The rest of my day was pretty good, except the having to go to work part, LOL! I really don't like my job at all. It is soooooo boring and the bosses are all (except one) self-centered a**holes. I don't have alot of respect for them, They treat all of us employees like we are really dumb and most of us have been around longer than they have and know more about the store and our loyal customers than they do. I just keep telling myself not much longer, not much longer.......
Well, gotta go to that ugly place again in the AM so I am off to slumberland and sweet dreams. TTYL
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Sunday(lazy day)
Sundays are usually my lazy days. I love to just lounge around the house and not do anything special. Today was no exception. I had a wonderful pancake breakfast with my darling husband(he cooked). We sat around and read the paper and drank coffee all morning. We took a little morning nap and then he went out and mowed the lawn. My kids called and said they would be over this afternoon so I decided to make a big pot of beef stew for them. I cooked all afternoon. The smells in the house were wonderful. I made beef stew, cornbread and a jello cake. My daughters (#1 and #2) came over along with my grand kids and their daddy. It was so cool seeing them and playing with the kids. All in all it was a very unproductive, relaxing day. I truly enjoyed it.
I thought about coming into my office and studying for a bit, but I need a day away so I will resume my studies tomorrow. For now it is off to the shower and then an early bed. Have to work tomorrow. TTYL
I thought about coming into my office and studying for a bit, but I need a day away so I will resume my studies tomorrow. For now it is off to the shower and then an early bed. Have to work tomorrow. TTYL
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Amish breakfast
Today was an awesome day. I woke up around 6am and knew today was going to be grand. My best friend Sherry invited myself and 10 other friends to join her in an Amish breakfast. We all met at Sherry's house and drove about 20 minutes south into Amish country. It was a beautiful, sunny, picture perfect day. Mrs. Wickey's house is absoutely gorgeous. She has a phenomenal yard with gorgeous flowers and pottery everywhere. Their horses were just standing by the back door, greeting us as we walked up to the old farmhouse. The interior of Mrs. Wickey's house is just as fabulous as the outside. She has beautiful oak cabinetry everywhere and the floors were so shiney and spotless you could practically see yourself in them. The smell as you walked up to their house was wonderful. We were escorted into the large kitchen and there was a buffet table set up with the most delicious selection of breaksfast foods I have ever seen. We had homemade, warm, fresh from the oven, cinnamon rolls and pecan rolls. We sampled fresh bacon and smoked ham. Fresh fruit of every kind was served on beautiful heirloom platters. Fried potatoes and eggs and pancakes and waffles and on and on.....The fellowship and friendship continued for almost 3 hours. What a wonderful way to start a gorgeous day. We eventually made our way back to Sherry's house for more coffee and girl talk. It was just so much fun. It is something I donot get to do very often. Sherry and I have been friends for almost 35 years and we rarely see or talk to each other, but whenever we reconnect it is like we never left each others side. I love her like a sister and can do or say anything in front of her and never have a fear of it ever being repeated or of me being made fun of. She has a heart of gold!
Well, came hme from girls day out and got groceries and spent the remainder of the day with hubby, chatting, watching tv and just hanging out together.
Now it is almost 8:30 pm and I really need to study. I want to take my musculoskeletal exam on Monday so that I may start the transcription. I guess enough blogging, time to study for a bit. TTYL
Well, came hme from girls day out and got groceries and spent the remainder of the day with hubby, chatting, watching tv and just hanging out together.
Now it is almost 8:30 pm and I really need to study. I want to take my musculoskeletal exam on Monday so that I may start the transcription. I guess enough blogging, time to study for a bit. TTYL
Friday, September 14, 2007
Well, another day is almost done. I worked 6 hours today and then came home and left with hubby to have dinner with our daughter and son-in-law and grandbabies. What great fun. My grandson wanted to go the place with the fish on the walls, LOL! It is a great fish and seafood place here in town. So off we went, had a great dinner and wonderful conversation. It was very relaxing.
As soon as we got home, I went to my "office" to start my studying for the Musculoskeletal Exam. While I was studying I decided to find a new keyboard, one that is a bit more ergonomical. I found a good price on a Microsoft Natural 4000 and purchased it. It should be here in 5-7 days. Now maybe I can prevent some problems before they start. I have already purchased the soft-flex gloves and love them. They are very comfortable. I really don't want to suffer from carpal tunel so I am taking the advice of my instructor and getting this stuff now.
After ordering the keyboard, I decided to try and study some more, just not into it tonight, I guess. Will study after I get home tomorrow morning. I am going to breakfast with my best friend, Sherry. We and several other ladies will be going to the home of an Amish women who cooks breakfast as a living and has people into her house. Like a restaurant, but family style. The price is very reasonable. I am very excited, this women is a fabulous cook. I have sampled some of her bakery goods that she sells to the mom and pop grocery stores on the outskirts of our town. All I can say is YUMMY! So I am really looking forward to tomorrow morning.
Work is work, and I do not have to return until Monday morning. I am pleased about that. I just dread heading into that store every day and really cannot wait until I am established in my new chosen career!
Well, getting late here and I am very tired, so TTYL!
As soon as we got home, I went to my "office" to start my studying for the Musculoskeletal Exam. While I was studying I decided to find a new keyboard, one that is a bit more ergonomical. I found a good price on a Microsoft Natural 4000 and purchased it. It should be here in 5-7 days. Now maybe I can prevent some problems before they start. I have already purchased the soft-flex gloves and love them. They are very comfortable. I really don't want to suffer from carpal tunel so I am taking the advice of my instructor and getting this stuff now.
After ordering the keyboard, I decided to try and study some more, just not into it tonight, I guess. Will study after I get home tomorrow morning. I am going to breakfast with my best friend, Sherry. We and several other ladies will be going to the home of an Amish women who cooks breakfast as a living and has people into her house. Like a restaurant, but family style. The price is very reasonable. I am very excited, this women is a fabulous cook. I have sampled some of her bakery goods that she sells to the mom and pop grocery stores on the outskirts of our town. All I can say is YUMMY! So I am really looking forward to tomorrow morning.
Work is work, and I do not have to return until Monday morning. I am pleased about that. I just dread heading into that store every day and really cannot wait until I am established in my new chosen career!
Well, getting late here and I am very tired, so TTYL!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Good day today
Ok, today was a good day. I worked 6 hours, came home cooked dinner for hubby and myself and relaxed for a bit. I had a hair appointment and went and got rid of all my grandma hair and came out looking lots younger(no more gray, hehe). While at the salon I read another chapter in the BOS workbook and did the exercise in it. Wow, so much to learn. Now it is time to study for another exam. I am not a very good test taker and they tend to frighten me a bit, but this too shall pass. I just do the very best that I can and move on.
I saw my grandkids last night, they are growing so awful fast. Ethan, age 4, is now enrolled in preschool part time and loving every second of it. Kimberly, age 2, is so jealous, she thinks she has to do everything Etink(her word for Ethan) does. My daughter is having a real hard time with potty training her, she insists on standing up, LOL! Well, that is what brother does and she HAS to be like brother. My daughter and her hubby were playing softball last night so I got to chase the kids around. I was so tired by the time I got back home, but it is so very worth every second I can spend with my angels.
Today was also a good day because I talked to all four of my kids today. My son is freezing up in the upper peninsula, it is only in the 30's right now. But other than that he is doing well. He is taking a tae-kwon-do class and is quite sore from it. I told him maybe it would help him lose his freshman 15, that he put on in his junior year, LOL! My daughter Jamie called tonight also, from work, she was bored and just wanted to talk to her mom, awwww. She is having some problems with her PT and is very frustrated by that, but I know, with her hubby's help she will get through this and everything will be fine again. My eldest called and just wanted to chit-chat, too. Nothing new in her life either. Anyone have a nice late 20's early 30's friend they wanna set her up with, LOL!! Of course, I can't help but talk to my 2nd oldest daughter, she is my boss, LOL!! So I was fortunate and chatted with all of them today, that doesn't happen very often.
Well, time to hit the books for a bit more before bed time. All of you have a wonderful night and an even better tomorrow. TTYL
I saw my grandkids last night, they are growing so awful fast. Ethan, age 4, is now enrolled in preschool part time and loving every second of it. Kimberly, age 2, is so jealous, she thinks she has to do everything Etink(her word for Ethan) does. My daughter is having a real hard time with potty training her, she insists on standing up, LOL! Well, that is what brother does and she HAS to be like brother. My daughter and her hubby were playing softball last night so I got to chase the kids around. I was so tired by the time I got back home, but it is so very worth every second I can spend with my angels.
Today was also a good day because I talked to all four of my kids today. My son is freezing up in the upper peninsula, it is only in the 30's right now. But other than that he is doing well. He is taking a tae-kwon-do class and is quite sore from it. I told him maybe it would help him lose his freshman 15, that he put on in his junior year, LOL! My daughter Jamie called tonight also, from work, she was bored and just wanted to talk to her mom, awwww. She is having some problems with her PT and is very frustrated by that, but I know, with her hubby's help she will get through this and everything will be fine again. My eldest called and just wanted to chit-chat, too. Nothing new in her life either. Anyone have a nice late 20's early 30's friend they wanna set her up with, LOL!! Of course, I can't help but talk to my 2nd oldest daughter, she is my boss, LOL!! So I was fortunate and chatted with all of them today, that doesn't happen very often.
Well, time to hit the books for a bit more before bed time. All of you have a wonderful night and an even better tomorrow. TTYL
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Another day
Another day is just about done and I feel as though I actually accomplished something.
I didn't work today, but I worked hard at home. I cleaned the house this morning and took my walk. After lunch, I sat down at the computer and worked all day on my studies. I finished several exercises, did some coloring in my anatomy coloring book and read a bit out of the BOS workbook. Job well done, for me anyway. Just finished dinner with my wonderful husband and decided I would write a little before heading out to my #2 daughter's softball game.
I love to watch her play. She comes alive on the softball field. It is her passion(besides her children). She absolutely would rather play softball than anything else. That is the biggest reason I love to watch her, her passion. The second reason I love to go to her games is my grandbabies are usually there and I can watch them while they play and intereact with the other kids that come with their mommies and daddies. They are such a joy!! I tell people, jokingly, that I wish I could have had my grandchildren first, LOL!! I really don't know how I could have accomplished that but, Hey! Whatever.
My oldest daughter called this afternoon, she wants her dad to help her mow her lawn. She has been having some pretty bad issues with her shoulder and arm. She is experiencing tingling, numbness and alot of shoulder and elbow joint pain. She is now off work for 2 weeks while they send her for even more physical therapy and injections. None of which has helped. She is getting pretty frustrated with the docs at her place of employment(they have their own docs on site, as well as physical therapists, a pharmacy, gym and alot of other emenities) and the physical therapist. They just won't listen to her and keep doing things that are actually(in her opinion) making this worse. I hope she gets some resolution soon. Anyway, dad is going over tomorrow to mow her lawn for her. He would have done it tonight, but Wednesday nights are reserved for his brother. They get together and jam for a couple hours. Hubby plays the guitar, drums and dabbles in the harmonica. His brother plays the guitar and has a truly wonderful voice. I love it when they get together the whole house is filled with beautiful old time rock and roll and a bit of country. When our son is home he usually joins in and plays the bass guitar. He is equally talented. He plays bass guitar, trumpet, tuba, keyboard, drums, and dabbles on moms mandolin. Oh yeah, I forgot, I am teaching myself to play the mandolin, it is sooooo cool. I am not very good but I am learning. I have only had it for about 1 year and I don't get alot of chances to practice but I still love it.
Well, time to dress warm(it is 45 degrees here, tonight) and get on out to the ballpark. So my friends, TTYL
I didn't work today, but I worked hard at home. I cleaned the house this morning and took my walk. After lunch, I sat down at the computer and worked all day on my studies. I finished several exercises, did some coloring in my anatomy coloring book and read a bit out of the BOS workbook. Job well done, for me anyway. Just finished dinner with my wonderful husband and decided I would write a little before heading out to my #2 daughter's softball game.
I love to watch her play. She comes alive on the softball field. It is her passion(besides her children). She absolutely would rather play softball than anything else. That is the biggest reason I love to watch her, her passion. The second reason I love to go to her games is my grandbabies are usually there and I can watch them while they play and intereact with the other kids that come with their mommies and daddies. They are such a joy!! I tell people, jokingly, that I wish I could have had my grandchildren first, LOL!! I really don't know how I could have accomplished that but, Hey! Whatever.
My oldest daughter called this afternoon, she wants her dad to help her mow her lawn. She has been having some pretty bad issues with her shoulder and arm. She is experiencing tingling, numbness and alot of shoulder and elbow joint pain. She is now off work for 2 weeks while they send her for even more physical therapy and injections. None of which has helped. She is getting pretty frustrated with the docs at her place of employment(they have their own docs on site, as well as physical therapists, a pharmacy, gym and alot of other emenities) and the physical therapist. They just won't listen to her and keep doing things that are actually(in her opinion) making this worse. I hope she gets some resolution soon. Anyway, dad is going over tomorrow to mow her lawn for her. He would have done it tonight, but Wednesday nights are reserved for his brother. They get together and jam for a couple hours. Hubby plays the guitar, drums and dabbles in the harmonica. His brother plays the guitar and has a truly wonderful voice. I love it when they get together the whole house is filled with beautiful old time rock and roll and a bit of country. When our son is home he usually joins in and plays the bass guitar. He is equally talented. He plays bass guitar, trumpet, tuba, keyboard, drums, and dabbles on moms mandolin. Oh yeah, I forgot, I am teaching myself to play the mandolin, it is sooooo cool. I am not very good but I am learning. I have only had it for about 1 year and I don't get alot of chances to practice but I still love it.
Well, time to dress warm(it is 45 degrees here, tonight) and get on out to the ballpark. So my friends, TTYL
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Today has been bittersweet for me! You see I am an Air Force brat and an Air Force mom and I was a wanna be Airman(long story on that one). Today is the anniversary of the day the USA was attacked and many people lost their lives. Today is also my mothers 75th birthday. I feel as though I am betraying our military by celebrating, but my mom's 75th is something that needs to be celebrated. I grieve for all those lost and for their families, but I rejoice in the knowledge that my mother has been alive for 75 years and she is extrmemly healthy. Dad passed away several years ago and mom has been by herself since then, which is just too weird to her. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters, so alone is a new word for my mom. She use to be an exceptional cook, but she doesn't do that anymore, she dines out with friends most nights or just eats cereal and toast. My mom is so active that we(her children) bought her a cell phone so that we could keep up with her. The dumb part is she always forgets to turn it on, LOL! So we still can't get ahold of her.
Tonight before my head hits the pillow, I will say a prayer for all those that lost loved ones and I will thank God that he has given me another year with my mom. TTYL
Tonight before my head hits the pillow, I will say a prayer for all those that lost loved ones and I will thank God that he has given me another year with my mom. TTYL
Monday, September 10, 2007
Me, again
Ok, I may have a renewed interest in blogging. I have so many things going on right now and the best one is I am going to school(yeah, school) and loving every minute of it. This is by far the best thing I have ever done for ME. I am going to school to become a medical transcriptionist. How cool is that?? Pretty darn cool, if you ask me. I am truly amazed at myself, that I am able to actually comprehend this material. I LOVE it. The knowledge I am gaining is so tremendous. I cannot wait to become an MT, then RMT, then CMT and really have a real career for the first time in my life.
TRS Institute is a wonderful place, it is an online school, but I feel as though I know my fellow students, instructors and all the other wonderful people I have come in contact with from the institute.
On the other hand, work sucks!!!!!!! I really, really, really do not like retail!!!!!!! I work with a bunch of self-centered little babies, who are so worried about the most petty things, like "Oh my, so and so took 1 minute too long for her break, I get an extra minute, too!" It is just ridiculous and I cannot wait to be done with that place and be employed with TRS and working from home. Making better money than I have ever made in my life!!! I am tired of minimum wage nothing jobs and TRSI is giving me the opportunity to stretch my wings and fly.
On another note, I have been having a few issues with my back again. I am sure it is because I stand for 6 to 8 hours a day on cement and do not get the chance to walk around or sit down. When I work 6 hours, I do not get a break and I just hate those days. Which that is most of my days. I usually work 10-4 and occasionally 8-4. Some of my pain has returned and I am experiencing a bit of new pain. I have called to set up an appt. with my doc and maybe we can figure out what to do about this. (I know quit the other job, hehe)
Well, till tomorrow, tata and have a great night. :)
TRS Institute is a wonderful place, it is an online school, but I feel as though I know my fellow students, instructors and all the other wonderful people I have come in contact with from the institute.
On the other hand, work sucks!!!!!!! I really, really, really do not like retail!!!!!!! I work with a bunch of self-centered little babies, who are so worried about the most petty things, like "Oh my, so and so took 1 minute too long for her break, I get an extra minute, too!" It is just ridiculous and I cannot wait to be done with that place and be employed with TRS and working from home. Making better money than I have ever made in my life!!! I am tired of minimum wage nothing jobs and TRSI is giving me the opportunity to stretch my wings and fly.
On another note, I have been having a few issues with my back again. I am sure it is because I stand for 6 to 8 hours a day on cement and do not get the chance to walk around or sit down. When I work 6 hours, I do not get a break and I just hate those days. Which that is most of my days. I usually work 10-4 and occasionally 8-4. Some of my pain has returned and I am experiencing a bit of new pain. I have called to set up an appt. with my doc and maybe we can figure out what to do about this. (I know quit the other job, hehe)
Well, till tomorrow, tata and have a great night. :)
My son, James

Ok, My son is James Michael Turley, he is 21 years old and inhis fourth year at Michigan Technological University. He is studying to become an electrical engineer. He has done
well, so far. But he has struggled a bit, that is why he is in his fourth year and he is not a senior. James is my quiet, stand-offish child. He prefers to be by himself and do his thing. He works hard, plays hard(when he does) and takes life waaaaaay to seriously. He needs to lighten up and not let things get him so badly. He is very opinionated and isn't afraid to share his opinion with everyone. Get him in trouble sometimes, but to him it doesn't matter.
He has taken up the hobby of photography and has an excellent eye for the artistic photos. He doesn't take people shots, but loves bugs, trees, flowers and all things inanimate.
He is also a Lego addict. He can build anything out of Lego. He has a ton of these little bricks and pieces in his room here at home. He can sit for hours with an idea in his head and go to town building. SOmetimes he will be holed up in his room for days building.
James graduated salutitorian from high school and could never understand why that was a great accomplishment. His HS studies came very easy for him, college on the other hand is kicking his butt. He never learned how to study in HS and now it is hurting his college career. He does have a 2.5 GPA, but he wishes it was better.
I am not sure what pic of James I will put up, maybe a recent one of some waterfalls we saw on vacation. They were so tranquil and beautiful.
James, I am ever so proud of you and all you have accomplished, keep it up and someday you may graduated college, LOL!! Love ya, Son!!
well, so far. But he has struggled a bit, that is why he is in his fourth year and he is not a senior. James is my quiet, stand-offish child. He prefers to be by himself and do his thing. He works hard, plays hard(when he does) and takes life waaaaaay to seriously. He needs to lighten up and not let things get him so badly. He is very opinionated and isn't afraid to share his opinion with everyone. Get him in trouble sometimes, but to him it doesn't matter.
He has taken up the hobby of photography and has an excellent eye for the artistic photos. He doesn't take people shots, but loves bugs, trees, flowers and all things inanimate.
He is also a Lego addict. He can build anything out of Lego. He has a ton of these little bricks and pieces in his room here at home. He can sit for hours with an idea in his head and go to town building. SOmetimes he will be holed up in his room for days building.
James graduated salutitorian from high school and could never understand why that was a great accomplishment. His HS studies came very easy for him, college on the other hand is kicking his butt. He never learned how to study in HS and now it is hurting his college career. He does have a 2.5 GPA, but he wishes it was better.
I am not sure what pic of James I will put up, maybe a recent one of some waterfalls we saw on vacation. They were so tranquil and beautiful.
James, I am ever so proud of you and all you have accomplished, keep it up and someday you may graduated college, LOL!! Love ya, Son!!
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