Baby it is cold outside! I cannot get warm today. It feels as if this house is an icebox. I had to go out this evening and I nearly froze to death, LOL!
I went tonight and had my grandma hair colored and cut and I feel soooooo much better. I had not had anything done with it since before Thanksgiving andmy hair grows so darn fast. I know it looks bad when hubby asks, "When do you get your hair done again?" HAHA!!
I mostly studied today, did some transcriptions, bothered my instructor quite a bit and studied some more. Right now I am taking a break from my studies to do this then I am back at it for another hour or so, then on to dreamland, cause I gotta go to the "ugly" place tomorrow. I know I shouldn't complain about my job but I don't complain about too awful many things so I guess I just need to do that, LOL!
Spoke with my long lost Airman today. She was out running around on base with her hubby, picking up dry cleaning, taking her new blues to the tailor, getting groceries at the commissary and alot of other down day stuff. I asked her why she had to get new blues. She said she has to wear them to her ALS training and when she tried on her old blues they just about fell off her, LOL. She has not worn her blues since I made her put them on 2 years ago to get pro pictures taken. Now she has to wear them every day for 2 weeks, hehe. I told her I wanted a pic of her and hubby in their new BDUs so she said she would send one soon, YEAH!! I will share when she does. She just hates spending money on her blues, new stripes, nametag, etc. Tailor fees on and on. She said at least when she sews on Ssgt in February, her hubby can use the stripes, etc. for his new uniforms. She got in a bit of trouble, not bad but called out. She has been letting her hair grow(cause she can't find anyone she trusts to cut it, she is soooooo picky)and she has been wearing it in a pony tail, cause it is still too short and layered to wear in a bun, well one of her commanders stopped her the other day and told her she needs to do something different with her hair, it was touching her collar. So now she has to find someway to keep it in her ponytail, but shorter and still be able to put her beret on. Oh well, she will figure it out.
Tonight for dinner I made 1of hubby and sons fav fast meals. I made them a Taco Bake, it is like tacos ina casserole, or a glorified mac-n-cheese, it was yummy. They ate it all and hubby now has to have a pb & j for lunch tomorrow. He usually takes whatever is left over from dinner, but not tomorrow.
Son is still here on Christmas break, sometimes he is so much fun and other times he is so yuck. Today was one of his yuck days and I do not like him very much on those days, thank goodness they are very few and far between. I love having him here, but love it when he leaves, LOL!! I know that sounds bad but it is true. Hubby and I have a nice routine and we kinda enjoy being by ourselves, most of the time. That and the grocery bill skyrockets when he is home, LOL!! Still love him though!
Well, it is time for me to do a couple more transcriptions and then head off to bed. I also need my nightly, cup of tea! So my friends, I will TTYL :)
I went tonight and had my grandma hair colored and cut and I feel soooooo much better. I had not had anything done with it since before Thanksgiving andmy hair grows so darn fast. I know it looks bad when hubby asks, "When do you get your hair done again?" HAHA!!
I mostly studied today, did some transcriptions, bothered my instructor quite a bit and studied some more. Right now I am taking a break from my studies to do this then I am back at it for another hour or so, then on to dreamland, cause I gotta go to the "ugly" place tomorrow. I know I shouldn't complain about my job but I don't complain about too awful many things so I guess I just need to do that, LOL!
Spoke with my long lost Airman today. She was out running around on base with her hubby, picking up dry cleaning, taking her new blues to the tailor, getting groceries at the commissary and alot of other down day stuff. I asked her why she had to get new blues. She said she has to wear them to her ALS training and when she tried on her old blues they just about fell off her, LOL. She has not worn her blues since I made her put them on 2 years ago to get pro pictures taken. Now she has to wear them every day for 2 weeks, hehe. I told her I wanted a pic of her and hubby in their new BDUs so she said she would send one soon, YEAH!! I will share when she does. She just hates spending money on her blues, new stripes, nametag, etc. Tailor fees on and on. She said at least when she sews on Ssgt in February, her hubby can use the stripes, etc. for his new uniforms. She got in a bit of trouble, not bad but called out. She has been letting her hair grow(cause she can't find anyone she trusts to cut it, she is soooooo picky)and she has been wearing it in a pony tail, cause it is still too short and layered to wear in a bun, well one of her commanders stopped her the other day and told her she needs to do something different with her hair, it was touching her collar. So now she has to find someway to keep it in her ponytail, but shorter and still be able to put her beret on. Oh well, she will figure it out.
Tonight for dinner I made 1of hubby and sons fav fast meals. I made them a Taco Bake, it is like tacos ina casserole, or a glorified mac-n-cheese, it was yummy. They ate it all and hubby now has to have a pb & j for lunch tomorrow. He usually takes whatever is left over from dinner, but not tomorrow.
Son is still here on Christmas break, sometimes he is so much fun and other times he is so yuck. Today was one of his yuck days and I do not like him very much on those days, thank goodness they are very few and far between. I love having him here, but love it when he leaves, LOL!! I know that sounds bad but it is true. Hubby and I have a nice routine and we kinda enjoy being by ourselves, most of the time. That and the grocery bill skyrockets when he is home, LOL!! Still love him though!
Well, it is time for me to do a couple more transcriptions and then head off to bed. I also need my nightly, cup of tea! So my friends, I will TTYL :)
Hey Sue,
I've TAGGED you for this meme...
Seven Random and Weird Things....
Even IF you don't have 7 folks to tag... let's see your 7.
Deb, thanks, LOL!! I don't have 7 people to tag, cause you tagged em all, LOL!
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