Hello it's me. Today has been a good day so far. I went and picked Jamie up so that she could go and get a pedicure and a manicure in preparation for the wedding this weekend. We spent some good quality time together. Today is Jamie and Alex's 1 year anniversary. I am so happy for them. They are so cute together. I am very pleased to have Alex in our family. Tonight I have to go to the "ugly" place and work from 4-10, yuck, but I guess I will survive. The only bad thing is I close tonight and open tomorrow. I am working 5 days this week and I am going to be one tired mama by the end of the week.
I got my HEENT exam back and received a 97.1% on it. I was hoping for better but made a few mistakes that I shouldn't have. I really need to get this. My grade point is still good but I don't want it to drop any farther. Here's hoping the next exam will be better. Sometimes I feel as though I am in way over my head, then other times every thing is good. I guess that is why not everyone is cut out for this job. People seem to think it is soooo easy and it is not, but I do love it and will love it even more when I am getting paid to do it, LOL!
I think I need to go back and reread some sections in the BOS so that I get a better grasp of some of the concepts in that. I am making dumb mistakes that I shouldn't be making and it frustrates me. I know what I am doing just sometimes my brain and my fingers don't communicate real well together, LOL!
Well, time to have a bite to eat and then get ready for the "ugly" place. Until tomorrow, TTYL!