Sunday, October 21, 2007

Another productive day

Today was a very, very productive day. I finally took my midterm exam. I am not entirely happy with my test score, but I am surprised I actually knew alot of the information. I received an 83%, I missed 17 questions. I would have done better except for the fact that even though I try not to I changed 3 answers. I know I am suppose to go with my first instinct, but for some reason I just cannot do that. Ugh!! Oh well, that is done and behind me now I can move on and get some more of this course out of the way.
I transcribed 8 transcriptions today for the HEENT section and started on the Blood section (chapter 10 in the Med term book). So I guess I am advancing quite well. I am really done for the day. My brain is fried and my fingers do not want to work on the keyboard anymore.
Tomorrow I have to work 6 hours, then home for dinner with hubby and then we are going to the zoo for their annual event the Zoo Boo. We are going with our grandkids and their mom and dad. It should be a good time, it usually is. The kids will get to wear their costumes for the first time tomorrow night. Ethan is really excited to put his Darth Vader costume on.
Well, I think I will actually watch a bit of TV and then head off to bed, I am really tired after all the work I did today. It is a good tired, though. So many accomplishments today. YEAH!! Well, til tomorrow TTYL :)

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