Friday, October 19, 2007

Productive Evening

Well, today I had to go to the "ugly" place for 6 hours. I worked very hard. Customers were real grumpy today, I do not know what it was but I had alot of angry people in the store today and you know who they take all their anger out on. You guessed it, ME. That in turn makes me grumpy. Oh well, all that is over until Monday. I start my 1 night per week next week and am not a happy camper. The boss is making me work Tuesday nights and I am going to miss webinars. He will not budge on the time I am working. He is such a tyrant. So now I have to make myself listen to the webinars. I think I have said this before, but, "I cannot wait to be done with this course so that I can leave that place." I have never hated a job more than I do this one.
On another note, I spent 2 hours studying yesterday and I was really surprised that I actually retained alot of the stuff I have been learning, LOL. I am making myself a little test so I can actually find out the stuff I know. I am going through the exercises and quizzes from Medical Terminology to Endocrine and am writing down every question that I do not get right as I read through all these exercises, etc. Example: I cover up the answers and try and do the exercises again, if I miss one, I write it down and this then becomes my test. It really helps to reinforce my knowledge. I am hoping to feel confident enought to take the midterm on Sunday, maybe. I am not going to rush this, I need to feel confident I can pass before putting myself through this test and that is what I am going to do.
I spent 2 more hours today putting together an expander list. I am impressed with myself, LOL! I have three pages of words that I have put into this list and I can actually remember all of them. I typed up an old trascription using the expander and it saved soooooo much time. I cannot wait to use it for real. I have made a promise to myself to spend at least an hour to maybe 2 hours a week, expanding my list and studying it so that I can remember all of it.
I also sat down at the computer tonight and made out a list of reference books and materials that I would like. Hubby is going to give it to the kids for Christmas, YEAH!!
Oh, it is my Air Force daughters birthday today. She is 24 years old. She said her hubby got her a beautiful diamond aniversary ring, wow! Her hubby will be 21 tomorrow and they will celebrate their 1 year aniversary on the 30th of this month. She and Alex will be home on the 26th of this month, next Friday. I am excited, even though I probably won't see much of them. They are coming home to attend and be a part of Jamie's best friends wedding. She has alot to do between now and the 3rd, when Kara gets married. She is the matron-of-honor and has planned a bachelorette party, manicures and pedicures for her and the bride, and several other things too. I am hoping I can steal them away for an anniversary/birthday celebration one night, we shall see. Well, it is getting late and I am getting pretty tired so I guess that is it for now. TTYL

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