Monday, January 28, 2008

Appointment on Wednesday, meanwhile....

Ok, I went to work today, I was feeling alright until about 1/2 way through the day, then I started getting lightheaded and dizzy. I sat for a bit then felt better, managed to make it through. I do not work for the next 2 days so that is good, as long as I stay off my feet I am doing ok.
I have an appt. with the gyn specialist on Wednesday Morning, at 8:45 am. I am looking forward to seeing them. They have already warned me they will be doing a biopsy when I get there. The one doc said that she has my ultrasound and has taken a look and is not happy with what she sees. I guess my white count was up just a bit, my iron was very low. She wants me to start on iron supplements. So I went and got them today. Horsepills, they are sooo big. I will try and take it easy for the next few days. I called my sis who has gone through something similar and talked to her. She had uterine cancer and everything she is telling me is the same so it may be, but I am not going to get worked up. My sis came through with flying colors and it has been over 3 years since her hysterectomy, so I can do the same. I am sure this was caught in good time so it is not like it is advanced. I will be fine.
Speaking of fine. I got my last transcription exam, the first submission back. I am extremely pleased I only had 3 errors. I think I got the ones fixed I needed to and sent it back tonight. I cannot believe out of 4 pages of transcription I only missed 4 things. I don't think any of them were major errors(I could be wrong) but they were fairly simple to fix.
I hope I get the exam back soon I am so curious to see what my grade will be on this one.
I am doing the exercises for the Urinary System, tonight and tomorrow and will take that quiz some time this week. I will most likely start the transcription practice for this section this weekend, I hope. I do not want my illness to put me behind, I am going to keep plugging away. When I get tired I will rest. I am at least not on my feet.
Hey, BTW Hallie from Wonderful World of Weiners is having a contest and giving away a beautiful necklace(hand made) The woman that makes the necklaces site is go on over and check it out. Her stuff is awesome and very inexpensive for handmade jewelry. Thanks Hallie for sending this site my way, my girls love jewelry and my granddaughter just may need a little bit of bling to adorn her wrist, LOL! Anyway do go and check out the site it is so cool.

Well, time to take a break, grab a cup of tea and head on into the books, so my friends, say a little pray that all will be fine with my plumbing(LOL) and I will TTYL!


Wonderful World of Weiners said...

Please keep us updated as to your health. Now I'm all worried. I had a hysterectoy at 26 cuz I kept testing Pre-Cancerous. The recovey wasnt that bad but it did hurt for about a week - they had to do it abdominally cuz my lady parts were so young and not yet droopy!!


Michelle said...

Thanks for stopping by. I am sorry to hear about your health. Please do keep us posted on your status. I had a hysterectomy in 2000 and believe me, I don't miss it at all. Healthy thoughts going your way!


Susie said...

Thanks Hallie and Michelle, I am not worried so you should not be either. Even if I do need a hysterectomy, the docs I see are very well known here in town because they use the most up-to-date equipment and procedures available. So I should be just fine. I can take some time off work if need be(not get paid, but oh well my health is more important than stuff)I still have my schooling and I can do that and sit on my butt, so I will be ok, thanks for the healthy thoughts.

Sue T
ps I had 3 C-sections so this should be a breeze, hehe