Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Blah Day

Today was a very unproductive day. I have not accomplished one thing, well maybe one. I did get out of bed this morning, LOL! I have not done anything pertaining to school and I really need to do something. I worked today and it was so boring, we were so awfully slow. I made a wonderful chicken and rice soup for dinner and then went and watched my #2 daughter and her hubby play softball. Now I am here yawning my fool head off, so I decided I would blog and then it is off to bed. I have to go to the ugly place again in the morning, yuck. But then I have 3 days off and plan on spending most of those days studying. I need to get remotivated and get going again.

I am having a bit of an issue with my new keyboard. I am not sure if it is because it is new and will take some getting use to or if I am really having a problem with it. The "n" key is sticking, I think. I am not sure if it isn't working properly or if it is because I am not hitting it right to make it work. I have found that I really need to cut my fingernails, though. I keep hitting the wrong keys. My nails keep going in between the keys and that is really not good. I guess I will keep trying with the keyboard for a few more days and if this issue persists it is going back. Too bad, cause it is so comfortable to use. My hands and wrists do not get tired at all. We shall see how it goes.

Well, tired so it is off to dreamland. TTYL

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