Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Nothing Day

Well, today was another of those, I got nothin' accomplished days. I woke up this morning and just couldn't get motivated. I went to the ugly place and did my time(6 hours). Came home made enchiladas for hubby and I. Checked and responded to a couple emails and then headed off to watch my daughter and son-in-law play softball and of course visit with my adorable grandbabies. Then came home and have been sitting at this darn computer just really doing nothing. I have read all my emails, checked out the TRSI site for the student forum, read all the stuff there and still, no motivation. My med term book is sitting here open and I have read the same paragraph a hundred times and I still don't know what I read. Maybe I should just call it a day and head to bed, but I am not really tired, ok so maybe I will try to read some more in my med term book, oh I don't know. Hmmmm, I really need a good swift kick in the rear and maybe it will start my motor running, LOL!! Oh well, nothing ventured, nothing gained, today absolutely nothing gained. So decision made, I am off to try and sleep, so I will visit with you again tomorrow evening and hopefully will be out of these doldrums and back to gungho, again. Goodnight, TTYL

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