Friday, September 14, 2007


Well, another day is almost done. I worked 6 hours today and then came home and left with hubby to have dinner with our daughter and son-in-law and grandbabies. What great fun. My grandson wanted to go the place with the fish on the walls, LOL! It is a great fish and seafood place here in town. So off we went, had a great dinner and wonderful conversation. It was very relaxing.
As soon as we got home, I went to my "office" to start my studying for the Musculoskeletal Exam. While I was studying I decided to find a new keyboard, one that is a bit more ergonomical. I found a good price on a Microsoft Natural 4000 and purchased it. It should be here in 5-7 days. Now maybe I can prevent some problems before they start. I have already purchased the soft-flex gloves and love them. They are very comfortable. I really don't want to suffer from carpal tunel so I am taking the advice of my instructor and getting this stuff now.
After ordering the keyboard, I decided to try and study some more, just not into it tonight, I guess. Will study after I get home tomorrow morning. I am going to breakfast with my best friend, Sherry. We and several other ladies will be going to the home of an Amish women who cooks breakfast as a living and has people into her house. Like a restaurant, but family style. The price is very reasonable. I am very excited, this women is a fabulous cook. I have sampled some of her bakery goods that she sells to the mom and pop grocery stores on the outskirts of our town. All I can say is YUMMY! So I am really looking forward to tomorrow morning.
Work is work, and I do not have to return until Monday morning. I am pleased about that. I just dread heading into that store every day and really cannot wait until I am established in my new chosen career!
Well, getting late here and I am very tired, so TTYL!

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