Thursday, September 20, 2007

New Day

Today has been a much better day, as far as school is concerned. I transcribed 4 notes tonight, could have done more, but am getting tired and did not want to push it. I have tomorrow off and plan on sticking my rearend in my office and staying there the entire day. Of course I will take an occasional break, but my office will be my home for most of the day.
I think I have come to the conclusion that my "n" sticking problem is operator error. I am not hitting the "n" properly and therefore it is not registering. I am still have some trouble getting use to this keyboard, but I am getting better. It is so new to me, but my hands and wrists are already thanking me. I just wish it was quieter. I know I can't have it all, but I do try. LOL!!
This next week is mine and hubby's anniversary, yeah, 31 years of marriage, wow! That is a long time. We are going out tomorrow night with his brother and his wonderful wife. We are going to a nice Italian restaurant and then slipping over to the attached club and listening to some old time rock and blues. It should be a wonderful night. I am excited, we don't go out very often.
I am so happy to have the next three days off. My back has been protesting working 4 days in a row. I am going to do some stretches before bed tonight to see if they help. I feel as if my spine is compressing. I know it is not but it just feels that way, so time to stretch it back out. This usually helps relieve some of the pain. I am NEVER totally pain free, but it is bearable most days.
Well, eyes are getting heavy need to stretch and then head to bed, busy day tomorrow. TTYL

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