Tuesday, September 18, 2007

New toys :)

Today is a good day. I finally received my new keyboard. I am not really sure about this yet, it is definately going to take some getting use to. It is very ergonomic, with the split keyboard and it is slightly reverse elevated. It has a very nice wrist rest and is very comfortable to use. I just keep hitting the wrong keys, LOL! I am sure I will get the hang of it soon, it is just so new right now.

I started my transcriptions last night and am planning on doing a few more tonight. They shouldn't take too long to complete, they are mostly short and sweet and don't take alot of effort, yet anyway.

I took someones advice and bought some of the 3x5 cards that are attached together with a ring and am attempting to put all the suffixes ad prefixes and word parts on them so that I can take them with me everywhere and study them. I know I have a midterm exam coming up and I am just a bit worried about that so the more study materials I have, the better.
I love this profession and I haven't even started yet, LOL!! I am getting the biggest kick out of all the knowledge that I am gaining and actually remembering. Cheryl and TRSi are my ticket out of the boring world of retail.

Speaking of boring, I had a very boring day at work today, we were so darn slow and the time just didn't move fast enough. I didn't want to be there and then being slow didn't help. Thank goodess I am only working 24 hours right now. I honestly don't think I could stand being there any longer than that each week. Usually the big boss schedules me for 2 days on, 1 day off, then 2 days on, then 2 days off and it works out great, but......We have a dumb assistant manager and she has to do things different. I am working 4 days in a row this week with 3 days off. Oh well, the boss will be back next week, thank goodness, cause our assistant is a real ditz!
Well, time for more transcribing and then off to dreamland. TTYL

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